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- Here's What Some of My Personal Training Clients Have to Say -

Andrea A.

"Working out with Maricela was the highlight of my weeks. During our 8 months together, she motivated and pushed me to get stronger. She is extremely knowledgeable about about exercise, diet, and women's health. I learned so much from her! She helped correct my form and knew which movements would yield better results for my body and goals. Everything felt customized and we often flexed our workouts based on what was going on that month if I was traveling for work or having health issues. We experimented with diet too and overall I saw strong progress in my health goals and overall strength like never before. I enjoyed our conversations and loved having a coach like her by my side. I highly recommend her and hope to be working with her again soon!"

Angela J.

"Maricela is the trainer everybody wants to train with in the gym. She is amazing. When I work out with her in the gym, people always approach us and are in awe at the unique and challenging exercises I'm doing. I can't imagine a trainer that provides more. She is exceptional at motivating me to reach my goals and push to the next level. When I train with her, I always go beyond what I think I can do. What I like most about Maricela is the creative work-outs she develops to help get the physique I want while having fun. She is definitely a superstar trainer."

John T.

"Maricela is a first rate trainer, knowledgeable, experienced and sensitive to client needs and potential. Above all she is a motivator and an encourager. I was a regular gym-goer, but it was not until I began regularly working with her almost two years ago that I have really benefited from my time at the gym. At 73, I am doing things I never did at 43, and the health, strength and mobility benefits are very noticeable."